

Dunkle Materie (= Dark Matter)

Penn State Inservice Workshops in Astronomy: Dark Matter and the Future of the Universe
Penn State Inservice Workshops in Astronomy: Dark Matter and the Future of the Universe Milky Way Galaxy viewed edge-on Flat Rotation curve of our Galaxy - Evidence for dark matter Detailed information about this image Star counts with HST ... 
X-ray Astronomy: Dark Matter
Dark Matter. Take Me to Level 2 Information. --> When the Universe was young, it was nearly smooth and featureless. As it grew older and developed,... 
Astronomy Cosmology - Dark Matter
Astronomy and Cosmology Cosmology Anti-Matter Black Holes Curved Space Dark Matter Discussion Board Entropy Quantum Mechanics Quasars Star's Life Cycle The Big Bang Time Warps Wormholes D a r k M a t t e r @ Dark matter may sound very 
Astronomy Mailing List Archive: Dark Matter: Maybe Hubble _is_ worth it...?
(fwd) Dark Matter: Maybe Hubble _is_ worth it...? (fwd) Todd E. Van Hoosear ( vanhoose@lalaland.cl.msu.edu ) Thu, 8 Dec 1994 11:45:34 -0500 (EST) Messages sorted by: [ date ] [ 
DARK MATTER - Scientific - http://maxpages.com/stargate/Dark_Matt
What is Dark Matter
The Macho Project: Revealing Galactic Dark Matter and Surveying the Time Domain in Astronomy with a 50" Telescope
The Role of Small Telescopes in Modern Astronomy, October 14-15, 1996, Lowell Observatory The Macho Project: Revealing Galactic Dark Matter and Surveying the Time Domain in Astronomy with a 50" Telescope Kem H. Cook LLNL C. Alcock, D. Alves, S. Marshall, D 
Astronomy Picture of the Day
Discover the cosmos! Each day a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe is featured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer. 
Contains almanac of current sky happenings, calendar of star parties, directories of planetariums and clubs, guides to buying telescopes and binoculars, reviews of telescopes, beginner's guides, lists of astronomical vendors, articles from ASTRONOMY
Particle Dark Matter
Particle Dark Matter
Astronomy & Cosmology - Dark Matter
Astronomy and Cosmology 
PRI Web Site - Cosmic Website
COSMIC WEBSITE ON-LINE. This is an on-screen version of the Pupil Research Brief Cosmic Web Site. The task you have to do is the same: There are six... 
The Macho Project: Revealing Galactic Dark Matter and Surveying the Time Domain in ...
(The MACHO Collaboration) The Macho Project is using both Magellanic Cloud ourto search for the gravitational microlensing signature ... 
APOD: September 2, 1995 - Hot Gas and Dark Matter
Discover the cosmos! Each day we feature a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer. September 
Chandra - X-ray Astronomy
the chandra x-ray observatory center, formerly axaf, x-ray astronomy field guide 
APOD: September 2, 1995 - Hot Gas and Dark Matter
Astronomy Picture of the Day Discover the cosmos! Each day we feature a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer. September 2, 1995 Hot Gas and Dark Matter Credit. 
Search for Dark Matter
Search for Dark Matter Search for dark matter Search for dark matter in NGC6397 Globular cluster NGC6397 Press Release Text Hubble Telescope Rules out One Explanation for Dark Matter (PR94-41 November 15, 1994) Background Information Dark Matter... 
The fate of the Universe
The fate of the Universe. --- by Alister W. Graham --- September 1998. In the last issue of SKY & SPACE (printed DEC/JAN 1998/99), I discussed one of... 
Astronomy & Cosmology
A source of information on astronomy, cosmology, and related topics ranging from black holes to asteroids. 
Mind Stimulation Einstein Physics Astronomy (DrX)
Mind Stimulating Links, Einstein, Antimatter, Dark Matter,Galaxies, Colliding, Human Cloning, Theories, Quantum, Gravity, Light 
Hot Gas and Dark Matter
Hot Gas and Dark Matter
ScienceNet - Physics & Astronomy - How does anti-matter and dark matter relate to the formation of the universe
How does anti-matter and dark matter relate to the formation of the universe? It is thought that anti-matter and matter were created in roughly equal amounts at the start of the universe. Over time, these bits of matter have eliminated one another. So if 
Magellan Education: Science Nature: Astronomy Space: Astronomy: Stars Galaxies: Dark Matter
Search Tips and Help Click Here! Magellan Home > Education > Science Nature > Astronomy Space > Astronomy > Stars Galaxies > Dark Matter Search Use this box to search Magellan's Web Directory for more great sites. Help Web Sites About Xray Astro 
UK Dark Matter Collaboration.
UK search for Galactic WIMP dark matter
Dark Matter
The MAD Scientist Network: Astronomy Subject: Dark Matter Date: Tue Oct 8 20:26:01 1996 Posted by: Matthew Barchok Grade level: 10-12 School/Organization: Madison High School City: Madison State/Province: Ohio Country: U.S.A. Area of science... 
APOD: September 2, 1995 - Hot Gas and Dark Matter
Discover the cosmos! Each day we feature a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer. September 
Chandra - About Xray Astro - Dark Matter Mystery
X-Ray Astronomy: Dark Matter. X-ray telescopes have discovered vast clouds of multimillion degree gas in clusters of galaxies. Above: an X-ray image... 
WEBART MAGIC ASTRONOMY - My first project June 1999
01. Missing Mass OVERVIEW The first record of the missing mass problem came in 1932 by astronomer Jan Oort, who had been doing research on the motions of nearby stars in the Milky Way ... 
Chandra - X-ray Astronomy
About X-ray Astronomy History of X-ray Astronomy - A brief overview of the history behind X-ray Astronomy: from the differences between optical and X-ray telescopes to descriptions of the major X-ray Astronomy missions. 
Re: Light as Cold Dark Matter
Re: Light as Cold Dark Matter [ Follow Ups ] [ Post Followup ] [ Astronomy Forum ] [ FAQ ] Posted by JCHARMSWAY on August 09, 1998 at 12:45:34: In Reply to: Light as Cold Dark Matter posted by Bill Hattan on November 04, 1997 at 09:07:17: : Light... 
Dark Matter in the Universe: Missing Mass Continues to Baffle - Suite101.com
Gravity is what holds the moon in orbit about the earth; without it, the moon would just fly away. Gravity holds the earth in orbit about the sun. Gravity holds the sun in orbit 
StarDate Online | 1999 AAS Meeting News
AAS Meeting News Dark matter found in galactic 'ghosts' Dark galactic "cannonballs" may greatly outnumber large, bright galaxies like our own Milky Way, says John Kormendy of ... 
Black Holes: A Practical Guide to Astronomy
A Practical Guide to Astronomy manages to deal with the complicated science of astronomy with a simple and practical tone. Excellent resource for both the beginner and experienced backyard astronomer. 
Science with the Dark Matter Telescope
Science with the Dark Matter Telescope Download a more detailed preprint: gzipped postscript (0.8 MB) or PDF (5.4 MB) Endorsement A novel telescope design enables a direct survey of dark mass in the universe. For the first time we will be able to survey 
Bookmark File
Bookmark File. This page contains links on many topics, the main ones being. Astronomy (both academic and general interest, cosmology, dark matter,... 
Ay1 Term Paper: vidences of Dark Matter - Weighting the Galaxy
Document generated with Internet Assistant 2.04z - please understand its limited capabilities in case you notice buggs or other strange things. I'll try to repair the file by hand 
Dark Matter Telescope Design
Dark Matter Telescope Design Abstract Astronomical projects as diverse as accurate measurements of cosmological parameters and predicting asteroid collisions with the Earth need deep images recorded over a wide field of view. The 8.4 m aperture, three 
How can Dark Matter be composed of WIMPS?
The MAD Scientist Network: Astronomy Subject: How can Dark Matter be composed of WIMPS? Date: Fri Jul 10 10:17:51 1998 Posted by Stan Monroe Grade level: grad (non-science) School: University of Colorado City: Denver State/Province: CO Country: USA. 
Space Time Mass Home Page
A new look at the Universe GIFTT (Ghassemi Institute For Technology Transfer) presented a theory to the American Physical Society in San Francisco in 1989, in Washington DC in 1990, and in Columbus, Ohio in 1998. 
Dark Matter
I would like to get some opinions on dark matter. Weather or not it exist, what its comprised of... etc. I tend to lean twords the theory that the Universe expands and contacts and 
Dark matter and distant galaxies
Subject: Dark matter and distant galaxies Date: Wed Mar 11 21:50:54 1998 Posted by Ray Grade level: grad (non-science) School: No school entered. City: No city entered. 
Scientific American: Feature Article: Dark Matter in the Universe: Magnificient Cosmos: March 1998
Dark Matter in the Universe As much as 90 percent of the matter in the universe is invisible. Detecting this dark matter will help astronomers better comprehend the universe's destiny by Vera Rubin ........... SUBTOPICS: Observing the Invisible Where Is 
Mind Stimulation Einstein Physics Astronomy (DrX)
Mind Stimulating Links, Einstein, Antimatter, Dark Matter,Galaxies, Colliding, Human Cloning, Theories, Quantum, Gravity, Light